Copyright 2014. Gregg Lewis Interiors, LLC.. All rights reserved.

The process of making decorating decisions is not easy for everyone. You can recognize a beautiful room when you see it and you’d love for your home to exude the same effortless sense of style, but perhaps it’s difficult to see past your current decorating choices and imagine anything different... Or perhaps you have a completely blank canvas to work with and you feel paralyzed by the empty space. We get it! That's why Gregg Lewis Interiors offers an affordable and hassle-free option that clients can access entirely online. Our virtual design services combine professional design guidance and affordable prices with an easy and quick process using DESIGN BOARDS.​

Design Boards

A Design Board (or Concept Board) is a visual representation of design ideas customized for YOU! It pulls together a complete, whole-room concept for the space of your choice. We take the information you give us about your current space, design style, and budget to create a cohesive design. You’ll be able to see your completed room concept and have the confidence that it’s going to “work” before you ever purchase a single item.

With your virtual design service, you will receive a personalized design board for the room of your choice, encompassing furnishings, wall art, soft décor, accessories, and even a paint color, if desired. Also, included will be a Shopping List with retail links to each item of furniture or decor used in the design board, so you can click to purchase whichever items you desire. How easy is that?

virtual design services


design Boards